Urban Canva
Digital tool to co-design with your community,
transforming living data into actionable decisions.
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Urban Canva

Create gamified surveys, collect GIS info,
engage your community and analyze data.

A software to enable effective participation for better outcomes .

Collect new types
of data  

Through the guided creation of interactive and gamified questionnaires, Urban Canva enables the collection of new forms of data, both objective and emotional, transforming them into useful design information.

Decide together with your community

Through interactive and digital tools Urban Canva extends the audience of those who participate and enhances traditional participation, enabling new types of data by ensuring greater consistency of results.

Everything on the same interactive map

Geolocalize questions, answers and information by giving a spatial dimension to your community engagement and planning. With interactive maps and easy-to-use GIS technology Urban Canva enables a powerful new way of engagement.

Analyze complex data in seconds

Categorize, organize, and create correlations among the large amounts of data you receive. Using AI capabilities, Urban Canva enables you to clusterize and geo-reference information from participation helping you make shared and consistent decisions.

A software devolped by:

Logo superUrbanity

50+ organizations of all sizes have chosen to work together with us to foster innovation and sustainability

Logo Kilometrorosso
Comune di Sangano
Logo Kilometrorosso

Top Technologies


Automatic poll
and questionnaires

AI Service Design: AI tool for guided survey and questionnaire generation.


G‍IS Mapping

AI GIS Tool: create interactive maps for data visualization and community engagement

Fields of application

Urban Canva is designed to support cities and organizations across their entire scope of operations.







Technical features

Lorem Ipsum

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AI-driven actions

Suggest synergies between stakeholders and targeted compensation actions.

SDGs Sustainability Strategy

Developing a sustainability vision and strategy using the ONU 2030 Agenda's SDGs as a framework.

AI Content Improvement

Artificial intelligence capabilities enable easy, fast, and compelling storytelling.

Upload documents and reports

Detailed documents and reports pertaining to projects or initiatives may be uploaded for public consultation.

Soft Data Management

Structured sustainability initiatives, SDG alignment, impact assessment, performance dashboard.

Creazione patti territoriali

Collaborative functions for the joint development and governance of territorial pacts.

Set-up e visual identity

The platform is fully customizable to reflect your brand's unique look and feel, to define custom deployment.

Data Visualization

AI transforms raw data into meaningful insights, making it easier to comprehend and monitor.

IT support

We provide technical support and assistance with the initial configuration and optional training on demand.
